Department of Computer Engineering

Technology - That Touches Future Generation!

Smt. S. R. Patel Engineering College- Dabhi (Unjha)


Laboratory Incharge:
Prof. Amit Tiwari  

Experiments to be Performed:

Distributed System is a software in which components located on networked computers communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages. We Perform the various Practical for Remote Method Invocation, Remote Procedure Call and Message Passing Interface.

  • • Write a JDBC program to display data of table.
  • • Write a JDBC program to insert data into table.
  • • Write a JDBC program to delete data from table.
  • • Write a JDBC program to insert data into table using Prepared Statement.
  • • Write java servlet Program to display Hello.
  • • Write java servlet Program for count.
  • • Write java servlet Program to insert data into table.
  • • Write a servlet Program for finding area of circle
  • • Write a servlet Program for Filter.
  • • Write a servlet to show how cookies work.
  • • Write JSP Program to display Hello
  • • Write JSP Program for Writing resume in well format